Labor Day
Jesus said, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"
(Matthew 11:28). This month we celebrate all who labor. Labor Day, the only legal public holiday in September, comes on the first Monday of the month in Canada and the United States. Labor Day, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
As I reflect on labor and work I recall the many days I observed my dad leaving for work lunch bucket in hand. He would punch in at 6:30 and work until 3:30. When he left the shop he did not think about it until 6:30 the next morning. I only mention these times because I would often refer to students as lunch bucket kids. Not that they carried lunch buckets or that they worked hard. It became a way of describing students who came to school in the morning—did a good day’s amount of work—and left for home at the last bell—never thinking about school until the next day, exept for homework.
Students need to be involved in meaningful ways in their schools. By becoming involved, students are able to build connections to fellow students and teachers. These connections enable students to feel that they are part of a larger whole and foster awareness of how important their contributions can be. Students who are connected and involved are less likely to exhibit inappropriate behaviors and more likely to be involved in positive activities. A growing body of substantial evidence shows that there are numerous benefits to meaningful student involvement. Research and experience illustrate that people who have been meaningfully involved when they are young are most likely to be informed citizens who are engaged throughout their communities.
As partners in their school, students are virtually ensured a positive, powerful, and productive future. The complex leadership skills and applied learning that all students can experience through meaningful student involvement serve as vital components in any education system and society that calls for a more engaging, sustainable and just democracy.
Ask your children to get involved in a club, organization, or group at CLS. If they are interested in forming a new group or club all they have to do is find an adult within the building who will supervise them and petition the Dean of Students. He will meet with them and discuss their plans and their ideas. Little else is needed.
Do not allow your children to be “lunch bucket” kids. Have them get active and involved. Meaningful student involvement evolves from a growing awareness among students, parents, and teachers that young people can and should play a crucial role in the success of their school.
Students need to be involved, active and concerned about the success of their school and themselves. Have a blessed Labor Day.