The Chess Club offers a forum for people to meet, discuss but principally, to play chess. Boards and pieces are provided for recreational play at all meetings. The club also acts as a resource for those interested in learning chess. All levels of play are welcome from novices to experts.
The Student Council is the voice of the student body. The purpose of this organization is to provide a vehicle for students to express their beliefs and opinions concerning various aspects of school life and offer suggestions for changes they deem appropriate. They are also involved in student programming such as dances, mixers, Prom, Olympic Day, and others throughout the year. Members are elected annually by their peers for each grade level.
Student Y is a student-led organization for middle and high school students interested in making an impact in local and global communities. The program is a way for our students in engage in meaningful service learning throughout the year and develop into compassionate community leaders. Student Y promotes youth development, social responsibility, and healthy living through Civic Engagement, Servant Leadership, and Character Development. Students attend conferences at both the state and national level.
Academic competition provides a public forum to showcase academic excellence and places academic achievement in a position of prestige. Through local and regional competition, members are able to represent the academic proclivity and advancement for which our student body is uniquely known. Latin School has teams in both middle and high school levels and is also a member of the Northern Kentucky Academic League.
Students participate in weekly games where they compete in “Quick Recall” which is comparable to Quiz Bowl or the television series Jeopardy! Teams are allowed to seat four players at a time, though they may have as many players on the ‘sidelines’ as they wish.
Governor’s Cup
Governor’s Cup has become the state’s premier academic event, involving over 20,000 students, nearly 1200 schools, and thousands of coaches, administrators, parents and community leaders who see the rewards gained from encouraging academic performance through properly structured and professionally administered academic competition.
CLS frequently places in top ranks for both Quick Recall, Academic Testing Competitions, and at the Governor's Cup!
Covington Latin School students have the privilege and honor to assist the Bishop of Covington as Pontifical Servers. Our reverent young men and women serve at the Bishop's Sunday Masses, Lenten observances, Christmas Masses, the ordinations of priests and deacons, and the many Pontifical celebrations of the Mass. In service to the Bishop, the students come to realize that they are serving the people of the Diocese as well.
Charged with developing the annual yearbook, The Dardanian, members seek to record and present the events of the school year in a meaningful, comprehensive and visually appealing manner. Members develop desktop publishing, editorial, design and proofreading skills in addition to deepening their understanding of the many facets of CLS.
TEAMS participates in a national competition challenging students to apply math and science to solve real-world engineering scenarios. Participation in TEAMS fosters creativity, critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. The CLS chapter of TEAMS perpetually places in the top 25 high school teams in the nation.
The Ski Club is designed to enable students to ski and snowboard during their tenure at CLS and to develop a larger appreciation of outdoor activity. All are welcome to participate in the events sponsored by this club, regardless of one's ability.
This group consists of individuals with a deep-rooted concern for the consistent ethic of life. The club encourages our school community to be aware of the many issues facing human life today. Activities include a commitment to life through personal prayer, service, and witness to pro-life beliefs and also organizes and participates in multiple events including the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Our quarterly student newspaper attempts to provide a comprehensive and balanced view of school events, stressing those of primary interest to students. Reporters and editorial writers cover events and issues involving coursework, athletics, and other aspects of student life, as well as issues confronting the entire Latin School community.
Lit Guild, as it's commonly called, provides an opportunity to develop and pursue an interest in creative writing. Membership encourages creative expression, literary interest and sharing work with a larger audience while becoming careful and critical readers and editors of others' work. The culmination of member endeavors is the annual literary magazine, Untitled Passages.
Juniors and Seniors that have achieved honors six or more times are invited to join Latin School's chapter of the National Honor Society. Prospective members must first complete an application summarizing their scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Once accepted, members of the group meet monthly to tutor and participate in group service.
This group seeks to expand familiarity with photography technique from all different levels; from simple point-and-shoot cameras to professional DSLRs, as well as "iphoneography". We explore various different apps and programs for photo editing as well.
JCL's purpose is to encourage an interest in and an appreciation of the language, literature, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome and to impart an understanding of the debt of our own culture to that of Classical antiquity. JCL is open to any high school student enrolled in Latin coursework and offers activities ranging from museum field trips, to state and national conventions. From Roman celebrations to oratory and costume contests, JCL offers a variety of fun and educational activities throughout the year.
A nationally known business-oriented club for students with nine goals including increasing interest and understanding of the American business enterprise, the development of competent business leadership, the strengthening of student self-confidence, and the development of personal character.
The club promotes student interest in the appreciation and study of history as a subject. The goal of the club is to host discussions on historical topics, periods and events that go beyond the history curriculum and span diverse geographic areas and time periods.
This group works to promote increased awareness and understanding of environmental issues as they relate to the role of the individual. The purpose of the club is to create awareness on environmental issues such as recycling, conservation, preservation and restoration with an emphasis on both educating the Covington Latin School community and participating in various activities which support these objectives.
The Debate Club allows students the opportunity to learn the art of persuasion, hone in on research skills and gain experience with public speaking. Students will have the opportunity to argue in favor of and in opposition to different topics, including controversial topics and current events, and will gain the skills necessary to form a rational argument for either side.
The Covington Latin School Drama Program is open to students of all grades and will produce several plays throughout the year. Performances range in scope and are performed on campus. Under faculty direction, students manage all aspects of stage production.
The award-winning Covington Latin School Choir performs in our weekly Mass in the St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, as well as in numerous other events on campus and in visiting performances. An impressive number of students of all ages perform both in the group and in supporting instrumental music. All interested students are encouraged to join, regardless of previous experience.