Spiritual Life

Aspects of Spiritual Life

St. Augustine famously wrote in his Confessions, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” The individual class retreats offered at Covington Latin School aim to provide time for our students to find rest in God and come to know Him more deeply. 

Each retreat is tailored to the students individually and as a class. Our retreats offer a sanctuary away from the distractions of everyday life, allowing our students to immerse themselves fully in prayer, meditation, and fellowship with each other. By temporarily withdrawing from their regular routines, our students can nurture a more intimate relationship with God and gain a deeper understanding of their beliefs. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus Himself took time to step away from the world and spend time alone with the Father. He knew that to continue his ministry, he must fill Himself by spending time in prayer. Retreats give our students this same opportunity. 

At all of our retreats, students are encouraged to examine their lives, identify areas for improvement, and seek forgiveness. This process of self-examination and repentance fosters personal transformation and encourages individuals to live following the teachings of Christ. Retreats include opportunities for confession, spiritual direction, and participation in the sacraments, providing students with the necessary support and guidance to strengthen their faith journey.

Retreats by Grade Level:

  • Prep 7 and Prep 8: The prep students spend the day at CLS led by teachers and upperclassmen involved in Campus Ministry. They participate in team-building, self-discovery, and faith-building activities.
  • Form I: The Form I students spend the day at CLS led by teachers and upperclassmen learning about their unique place within the Covington Latin School community, experiencing fellowship with one another, and spending time in Eucharistic Adoration.
  • Form II: The Form II students begin the day with Mass, and then spend time at several different service agencies in Covington giving back to the community of which Covington Latin School is a part. The students end the day with a guided reflection on what it means to be a servant leader.
  • Form III: The Form III students participate in a local pilgrimage to some of the oldest and most beautiful Catholic churches in the Greater Cincinnati area. By learning about these historic Churches, students are reminded of those Catholics who came before them and the sacrifices they made for the faith. Churches frequently toured year-to-year are Old St. Mary’s, St. Peter in Chains, St. Francis Xavier, and Holy Cross-Immaculata.
  • Form IV: Senior students participate in a 3-day Christian Awakening Retreat held on the campus of Thomas More University. Christian Awakening is a long-held tradition in the Diocese of Covington. This retreat is a unique opportunity for students to grow in their understanding of themselves, to deepen their faith, and to build a sense of community within their class. Seniors often cite the Christian Awakening weekend as a highlight of their entire Covington Latin School career.

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace.  1 Peter 4:10

The Campus Ministry program at Covington Latin School is crafted to foster both spiritual and personal growth in our students.  It encourages prayer and worship, especially the Eucharist, "the source and summit of our lives" as Catholics.  Students are asked to use the gifts and talents with which God has blessed them to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ and further God's Kingdom here on earth.  Within our walls, everyone is expected to be Christ for one another. 

Campus Ministry involves the student body in a variety of experiences through which our students come to the awareness that God is active in their daily lives. The more prevalent examples of Campus Ministry programs are annual retreats for each form, weekly all-school Mass in St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, numerous Christian humanitarian service endeavors, Advent and Lenten Reconciliation services, and optional lunchtime confessionals on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.

Covington Latin builds on the foundations developed within students' families and encourages students to develop lasting faith convictions and relationships with God in and through God's people.  We call upon ourselves to live the words of Mother Teresa: Do something beautiful for God today.


Campus Minister: Madison Light (CLS Class of '16)

Pontifical Servers Moderator: Mr. James Stebbins (CLS Class of '16)

School Chaplain: Rev. Michael K. Elmlinger (CLS Class of ‘16)

Pastoral Administrator: Very Rev. Ryan L. Maher

Faith without works is dead.   -James 2:20

Covington Latin School's commitment to servant leadership dates back to the School's founding in 1923 and is reflected in our Mission.  Humanitarian service is a fundamental facet of the CLS experience, but, moreover, is the spiritual model of leadership our students strive to follow, embodied by Jesus Christ - leadership through serving others.

Service develops an innate compassion and broader understanding of the human condition while also serving as an acknowledgment to our students of their many blessings.  Implementing positive change through active volunteerism is instrumental in providing the type of transformative experience that is the hallmark of a CLS education.

Students will have completed a minimum of 80 service hours upon graduation, with many going above and beyond the requirements each year.  Each service experience must be accompanied by a service verification form within two weeks of service completion.  A wide array of service opportunities are available to CLS students, underscoring the diversity of community needs.

New service opportunities are welcomed but must be shared with and approved in advance by the Campus Minister for consideration of service hour credit.

Prep 7 * Days of Service
Prep 8 * Days of Service
Form I 10 hours Day of Service, Parish/Community
Form II 20 hours Parish/Community
Form III** 30 hours Parish/Community
Form IV** 40 hours Parish/Community


Several students in yellow shirts standing in a warehouse for a service project.

Throughout our rich history, Covington Latin School students have had the privilege and honor to assist the Bishop of Covington as his Pontifical Servers.  This distinction is earned through steadfast commitment and devotion to the sacred rituals of the Church.  Our reverent young men and women serve at the Bishop's Sunday Masses, Lenten observances, Christmas Masses, the ordinations of priests and deacons, and the many Pontifical celebrations of the Mass.  In service to the Bishop, the students come to realize that they are serving the people of the Diocese, as well.  Their reverence and dedication are examples to all the faithful.


Photo shows Bishop surrounded by 8 Pontifical servers on steps of Cathedral alter.

Covington Latin offers an all-school Mass, held in the Cathedral, each Wednesday following morning announcements at 8:00 am. During the service, which is open to all members of the Covington Latin community, prayers are read by students.

If you have anyone special that you would like the Covington Latin School to keep in our prayers, please forward your prayer request to our Campus Minister, Ms. Light, madison.light@covingtonlatin.org.  Please give us the name of the person in which ever form you wish it to be read.  Pronunciation tips or phonetic spelling are always welcome.

Jesus is the embodiment of the many forms of leadership Covington Latin School strives to instill within our student body. At Latin School, we define leadership as one who can inspire others, live faith, embrace challenges, express passion, achieve success, value tradition and change the world. Vast study and innumerable texts have been devoted to the ways that Jesus exemplified these various leadership attributes in His earthly endeavors and the manner in which His living presence continues to do so.

Latin School students come to know Jesus and the many facets of His leadership through their theology courses in which they study the Church and how we come to encounter Him in the Sacraments. Students also invest time in building a relationship with Him in our weekly School Masses as well as in retreats offered at various times. They also learn to embrace His way of being a leader; that is by being a servant when they are encouraged to be of service to one another and to the wider community.

Yes, Jesus is a great leader and our ultimate inspiration at Covington Latin School. May He continue to inspire our students as they, too, work to become the leaders of our local and global community.